Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Brijesh S Patel is a well known and leading Dental Implant and Cosmetic dental surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat India. He is doing Advance Cosmetic And Esthetic Dental Treatment in Ahmedabad, at Dr Brijesh Patel’s Brij Dental Clinic.

People choose esthetic dental procedures/surgery for various reasons-to repair a defect such as a malformed bite or crooked teeth, treat an injury, or just improve their overall appearance. Whatever the reason, the ultimate goal is to restore a beautiful smile.

For these and many other reasons, esthetic dentistry has become a vital and important part of the dental profession.

Common esthetic dental procedures can be performed to correct misshaped, discolored, chipped or missing teeth. They also can be used to change the overall shape of teeth-from teeth that are too long or short, have gaps, or simply need to be reshaped.

Some of the more common procedures involve:

Bonding – A procedure in which tooth-colored material is used to close gaps or change tooth color.

Contouring and reshaping – A procedure that straightens crooked, chipped, cracked or overlapping teeth.

Veneers – A procedure in which ultra-thin coatings are placed over the front teeth. Veneers can change the color or shape of your teeth. For example, veneers have been used to correct unevenly spaced, crooked, chipped, oddly shaped or discolored teeth.

Whitening and bleaching – As the term implies, whitening and bleaching, a rapidly increasing procedure, are used to make teeth whiter.

Tooth Jewellery – Teeth jewellery is a brilliant way to add sparkles to your smile and stand out of the crowd. During a painless procedure, a dentist fixes a jewel on the tooth surface. The jewel does not damage tooth tissues and has no side effects – except for the increased charm of your smile! Call it an oral fashion statement to stand out among ordinary mortals or simply an effort to blend in with the bold and the beautiful.

Which techniques should be used to improve your smile? A dental exam will take many factors into consideration, including your overall oral health.

Composite Bonding (Cosmetic Bonding ) (Nano Composite Filling Material) Dental Treatment Before and After Treatment Photos